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Having Perfectly Shaped Eyebrows,

Beautiful, Long, Luxurious Lashes,

Gorgeously Defined Eyes,

And Sensual Looking Lips,

Save Now on any procedure with this Special Promotional Coupon!

Save money on any procedure with this valuable coupon

Yes...I'd like to save 10% on the look I've always wanted!

Simply fill in the Coupon Request Form. Your request will be entered into our system, and a personalized coupon will be created and displayed on your screen in a matter of seconds.

Simply print the coupon letter and bring it with you to your free consultation to save 10% on any procedure you chose! This information is kept confidentially, so we won't share it with anyone else.

Your Complimentary Consultation

Next, make an appointment for your Complimentary Consultation. At your consultation, we'll answer all your questions about the look you've always wanted.

We'll also do an Advanced Color Analysis to find the colors that are just right for you. This is a $75 dollar value, and it's yours free! Our gift to you, for accepting our promotional coupon offer!

If you decide permanent cosmetics or lash extensions is not the right beauty solution for you at this time, or if a medical concern, or any other issue precludes you from these procedures, of course you will owe nothing at all.

The consultation and the advanced color analysis are our gift to you.

We're Your Best Kept Beauty Secret!

Secrets are made to be kept...even though, there are some that should be shared with the closest of friends. Won't you agree, an offer like this, is surely the latter!

We're looking forward to meeting you,

Lisa Olivo
The Heart of Beauty LLC